n his book Dipnosofistes, the author Athineos, who lived in the 3rd century A.C., describes the dinner offered by the wealthy Karanos, on the occasion of his wedding . At the beginning, the recounts, a silver goblet and gold diadem were offered to each dinner-guest. Then came the food on silver and bronze platters.
Chickens, ducks, roas, geese, lamps, hares, pigeons, turtledoves and partridges. Then there was a break with musicians and flute-girls. In the second part of the dinner there was roast piglet on its back on a silver platter. It was stuffed with roast thrush and figeaters, oysters and scallop topped with egg-yolk.

     Today, we are well-aware that our ancestor, especially the Macedonians and the Thessalians enjoyed great meals! The Mycenaeans, since the 15th and 14th century B.V., had cereals as their staple diet, and used the words sitos and crithi ( "wheat" and "barley"). They also ate a lot of figs, honey and cheese.

     The ancient Greeks were the first to record different culinary methods in the 5th century. From salvaged scrolls we know that our ancestors created the first gastronomic record in the world. They even had sweet-sour tastes, which we had been ignorant of until they came from... China!

     The ancient Greeks might not have know what rice, sugar, corn, potatoes, tomatoes and lemons were like, but they used a wide variety of spices for their game, a lot of onions, pure olive oil flavored with mint and thyme. They also prepared pastry from finely sifted flour topped with must!

     They also prepared delicious salads to accompany fish while in their wine, as Homer mentions, they grated cheese from goat milk. Theofrastos mentions 5 different kinds of radishes, pointing out that the radish from Viotia was the sweetest. We know that the ancient Greeks used to eat radishes with bread for breakfast!

     We have a lot of descriptions of ancient dinners from Plato, Hisiod and Plutarch.

     The ancient Greek diet is the basis of every healthy diet in most areas of the world. But how many people are aware of this? The scientific research, the knowledge of our specialised chefs and the passion of an enterprise whice opens restaurants with concept only, like the well-known and well-established "Beer Academy", are the ingredients we have used to create a unique restaurant.

     The Arheon Gevsis (Tastes of the Greeks) invites you taste its unusual dishes which come directly from the ancient times, with little interference so that they live up to the present-day demands for taste, quality and wholesomeness.

     These are dishes with pleasant tastes. Tastes unknown to our mouth and to our palate. Each of  these tastes is a surpassingly unusual experience which you will remember for ever!

The ancient Greeks were the first to record
different culinary methods in the 5th century

We have a lot of descriptions of ancient dinners
from Plato, Hisiod and Plutarch

The ancient Greek diet is the basis of every
healthy diet in most areas of the world