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Main dishes

Cuttlefish in its ink with pine kernel and barley

Cuttlefish when broiled, is soft delicious and easily digested. The "sipias iposfagma" is the cuttlefish' ink. The iposfagma is as Erasistratos states in "Opsartico" its juice.

Stuffed slices of pork, filled with plums in dark juice accompanied by artichokes and fresh pea puree.

Epikratis in his "Merchant" says "I saw the best pork meat, rose - baked on fire".
Goat leg with pea garlic and leek.

Aristophanes in his play "Pelargoi" he mentions "Goat legs".
Pork meat cooked in the pot with apples, pears and vegetables.

They serve meat cooked in a closed pot with its juice. Someone said "give me more pnikto, meat boiled in a well covered pot".
Panseta pork with sweet and sour sauce from honey, thyme, vinegar and broiled beans.

Pieces of meat in a special soup "Kreokakabos" with its fat in juice made of honey and vinegar that's how Aristophanes explains.
The beans are eaten broiled, raw and baked.
Epiplous (Omentum): fried liver wrapped in lamp omentum accompanied by asparagus, eggs and cheese.

Afterwards they brought liver fried wrapped in lamp omentum.
Myrtilos, says that "the graft is also mentioned in Epiharmos' Bakhae". In the end Kynouklos says to Oulpianos "You have for use, wise Olpiane, the omentum so you can wrap yourself and burn thus to relieve us from your questions.
Sword fish with sauce from berries and sweet vegetables

I took a large sword fish. I cooked its insides. The rest of the body I will broil after I rub it with berries.
Shrimps with vinegar and honey accompanied by zucchini and cauliflower.

They wer named "carides" (shimps) from "cara" (head) because the head is the biggest part of their body.
Steamed sea bread with vegetables and spices

Epectos in Opsartiko says the following: Mixture of fish and vinegar baked cheese, keimino, fresh and dry coliandro, with clean onions and raisins or honey.
Chicken in thickly grind barley

With these Nikandros emphasizes the use of peeled barley, recommending to pour over chicken broth. So he says, grind barley and boil it in oil..
Pork shishkebab and veal in dark juice with pea puree and crouton.

Stratis in "Kallipides" states about Hercules: immediately he grabbed hot pieces of meat and ate heartily.
Beef Steak with pea puree and leek (900 gr.)

Herofontas, was shopping once pieces of meat, the butcher gave him one with a heavy bone attached to it. Herofontas, told him "Butcher don't weight the bone along with the meat" the butcher replied that the meat near, the bone was very delicious. And Herofontas said "There is no doubt my dear but when you weight it along with the bone, it worries me".
Piglet stuffed with game, eggs, cheese fried liver, apple, chestnuts, pine kernuls, raisins and spice.
For 10 people after special order.

Once they served us a piglet... Its belly was richly full with small birds, egg   yolks, and small pieces of meat cooked with pepper.